php functions, php isset, php empty, php is_null, php inbuilt, user defined functions,

Differences between isset, empty and null functions in PHP

In PHP programming language which is one of the back end or server-side programming languages, functions are used at every step to ensure that the code is compiled and executed successfully.

A function in PHP is an already defined or compiled piece of code that does or performs a specific action when it is called in a block of code.

There are two types of functions that are supported in the PHP programming language, that is in-built functions and user-defined functions.

Please note that functions in PHP must have () after the name of the function, the syntax for a PHP function is function_name()

In-built functions in PHP

In-built PHP functions are functions that are provided by PHP language that when called, execute depending on the purpose of the defined function. Some examples of inbuilt functions in PHP language are as follows;

The number of in-built functions is not clearly defined but it is estimated that they are more than 1000 in-built functions that are supported by PHP.

User-defined functions in PHP

User-defined functions in PHP are those functions that a developer decides to create so that they can be reused across different files in the same program or application

In most cases, if you want to keep your code simple and clean, it is recommended that you create functions and store them in different files such that when you need to use the code, you will not have to re-write the code again rather you will call the function name and pass parameters to it and then it will return the result

User-defined functions in PHP are also used when you do not keep repeating the same piece of code over and over again

The structure of a user-defined function in PHP is as follows;


// user defined function

function test_user_defined_function() {

echo "This is an example of a user defined function!";


// calling the function



When you execute the above program, the text defined in the function will be executed

An Example of a user defined function which passes a variable


// user defined function function

test_user_defined_function($name) {

echo "This is an example of a user defined function written by ".$name;


// calling the function




When you execute the above piece of code, the variable name will be added to the text that will be printed on the screen as shown below

This is an example of a user defined function written by PHP DEVELOPER

isset, empty and null functions in PHP

Having understood what functions are in PHP, how they work and the different types of functions that are supported by PHP language, it’s now time we look at the above functions.

All isset, empty and null functions are inbuilt functions which do specific purposes when called in PHP codes.

  • PHP isset() function

The isset() function in PHP is used to check whether a variable exists meaning that the variable must be defined or declared.

The isset() function works together with is not NULL, that is for isset() to return true, the variable must be defined or declared and must not be NULL else the result will be false

Note that, a variable is unset using the unset() function which is also an inbuilt function in PHP.

Mostly, isset() function is used when submitting data like in forms so as to ensure that the PHP code will not produce an error when a certain variable is called yet it is not defined. Also, it ensures that a PHP code will not execute unless certain variables are defined

The syntax for isset() function is


For example, the below code will return false or No since the variable $name is not defined or declared



echo "Yes";        



                echo "No";



For this example, it will return true or Yes as the variable $name is despite it being empty. Note that empty and null is not the same as we will discuss below




echo "Yes";        



                echo "No";



Using isset() function with POST variables is as shown below





This is mostly used when you are submitting form data using the POST method for processing by PHP

  • PHP empty() function

The empty() function in PHP checks whether a declared variable has data or not. For the empty() function to work without errors it must be declared first meaning before using the empty() function you need to use the isset() function to check whether it is declared

If the variable declared has no data in it, the empty() function will return true else it will return false.

The syntax for empty() function is empty(variable)

The example below will return false since the defined variable does not have any data in it




echo "Yes";        



                echo "No";



If the variable has either 1 or more characters defined, the empty() function will return false since there will be values that are part of the variable




echo "Yes";        



                echo "No";



  • PHP null function

The null function in PHP is used to check whether a variable defined is null or not. NULL is a special type of data type that can only contain only one value which is NULL

The syntax for null function is written as is_null(variable)

An example to show how is_null() function is used is as below




echo "Yes";        



                echo "No";



Please note the difference between

$name=NULL and $name="NULL"

The one without quotes will return true but the other one will return false


That’s it for this article, how you have learned the differences between isset(), empty(), and is_null() functions in PHP, different types of functions in PHP, and what are functions in PHP. Follow us for more articles and happy coding